Topic outline
Here you can find links to the all the videolectures of Learning and Training Ccourses without any test and any special requirements for progress. If you want to pass the courses containing these lectures, log in and enroll yourself into the appropriate course in section LAerning and Training Courses.
Complex of lectures by Eric Ansoborlo (CEA) on chemistry of radionuclides and their speciation in the environment.
Videolectures of the e-course Hands on Training in Nuclear Chemistry. If you are interested in passing this course, you have to log in and enrol yourself in the appropriate course in the Learning and Training Courses section.
Videolectures related to the e-course of Practical Exercises in Radioanalytical Methods. If you are interested in this course, you can log in and enrol yourself into the course in the lLearning and Training Courses section.