Topic outline

  • Fundamentals

    Contains the following subchapters: 1) Basic Properties of the Atomic Nucleus, 2) Liquid Drop Model, and 3) Shell-model and Magic Numbers.

  • Radioactivity

    Contains the following subchapters: 1) The Decay Law, 2) Mother-Daughter Decay Relationships, and 3) Naturally Occuring Radioactivity.

  • Radiation Types and Properties

    Contains the following subchapters: N/A.

  • Radiation Safety and Health Hazards

    Contains the following subchapters: 1) Interaction between Radiation and Matter, 2) Radiation Dose, 3) Practical Radiation Protection Practise in the Laboratory, 4) Radiation Monitors and Survey Meters, 5) Handling Laboratory Accidents and Mishaps, and 6) Rules and Procedures for Specific Countries.

  • Detection of Radiation

    Contains the following subchapters: 1) Gas-filled Ionisation Detectors, 2) Solid Scintillation Detectors, 3) Semiconductor Detectors, 4) Liquid Scintillation Detectors, and 5) Measurement, uncertainty and Detection Limits.

  • Radiochemical Separation Methods

    Contains the following subchapters: N/A.

  • Radiochemical Analysis Techniques

    Contains the following subchapter: 1) Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA).

  • Nuclear Reactions

    Contains the following subchapters: 1) Fundamental Parameters for Nuclear Reactions, and 2) Nuclear Reaction Probabilities - Cross Sections.

  • Nuclear Fission

    Contains the following subchapters: N/A.

  • Nuclear Fusion

    Contains the following subchapters: N/A.

  • Radioecology and Environmental Concerns

    Contains the following subchapters: N/A.

  • Industrial Use of Radioactivity

    Contains the following subchapter: 1) The Oil and Gas Industry.

  • Nuclear Methods in Materials Dating

    Contains the following subchapters: 1) Argon-Argon, 2) Caesium, 3) Cosmogenic Radionuclides, 4) Polonium-Lead, 5) Potassium-Argon, 6) Radiocarbon, 7) Rubidium-Strontium, 8) Samarium-Neodynium, and 9) Uranium Series Disequilibrium.