Topic outline
Lecture (voluntary) by Stéphane Bourg, CEA.
Lecture by Jan John, CTU.
Lecture by Nicolas Clavier and Nicolas Dacheux, ISCM/CEA.
Lecture by Annie Kersting, LLNL.
Lecture by Manuel Miguirditchian, CEA.
Lecture by Philippe Guilbaud, CEA.
Lecture by Robin Taylor, NNL.
Lecture by Marie-Christine Charbonnel, CEA.
Lecture by Eric Mendes, CEA.
Lecture by Sébastien Picart, CEA.
Lecture by David Shuh, Berkeley.
Evening lecture (voluntary) by Heino Nitsche, Berkeley.
Comparison of nuclear fuel cycles and other energy sources from the environmental impact point of view
Evening lecture (voluntary) by Christophe Poinssot, CEA.